Results for 'Ralph Glenn Wilburn'

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  1.  7
    The historical shape of faith.Ralph Glenn Wilburn - 1966 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
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    Demonstrating a Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility Not Simply Shared Value.Kathleen Wilburn & Ralph Wilburn - 2014 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 33 (1):1-15.
    Porter and Kramer are very clear that shared value is not corporate social responsibility. Not only do they criticize the four principles on which CSR rests: moral obligation, sustainability, license to operate, and reputation, as ineffective and vague, they maintain that the only reason for companies to engage in sustainability projects is to decrease costs and thus increase profits, not because they have a corporate responsibility to help protect the environment the people who dwell in it. Because social problems cause (...)
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    Benefit Corporations.Kathleen Wilburn & Ralph Wilburn - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (2):223-247.
    More than half of the S&P 500 and the Fortune 500 companies publish corporate social responsibility reports. CSR is at the heart of a new form of corporation, the benefit corporation, which requires the pursuit of a social purpose as well as pursuit of profit. Thirty-four states, plus the District of Columbia, have enacted benefit corporation legislation. Most laws require that benefit corporations publish reports on their social purpose performance using a third-party assessment format. The purpose of this paper is (...)
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  4. The Prophetic Voice in Protestant Christianity.Ralph G. Wilburn - 1956
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    Humor: The Beauty and the Beast.Glenn A. Hartz & Ralph Hunt - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):299 - 309.
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    Self-Identity and Free Will are Beyond our Control.Ralph Hunt & Glenn A. Hartz - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):197-204.
  7.  21
    Leo Strauss, the Straussians, and the Study of the American Regime.Kenneth L. Deutsch, John A. Murley, George Anastaplo, Hadley Arkes, Larry Arnhart, Laurence Berns With Eva Brann, Mark Blitz, Aryeh Botwinick, Christopher A. Colmo, Joseph Cropsey, Kenneth Deutsch, Murray Dry, Robert Eden, Miriam Galston, William A. Galston, Gary D. Glenn, Harry Jaffa, Charles Kesler, Carnes Lord, John A. Marini, Eugene Miller, Will Morrisey, John Murley, Walter Nicgorski, Susan Orr, Ralph Rossum, Gary J. Schmitt, Abram Shulsky, Gregory Bruce Smith, Ronald Terchek & Michael Zuckert - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Responding to volatile criticisms frequently leveled at Leo Strauss and those he influenced, the prominent contributors to this volume demonstrate the profound influence that Strauss and his students have exerted on American liberal democracy and contemporary political thought. By stressing the enduring vitality of classic books and by articulating the theoretical and practical flaws of relativism and historicism, the contributors argue that Strauss and the Straussians have identified fundamental crises of modernity and liberal democracy.
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    The Philosophy of Design.Glenn Parsons - 2015 - Polity.
    First published in 2005 by MBI Publishing Company LLC.
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    Successes and Failures of Hospital Ethics Committees: A National Survey of Ethics Committee Chairs.Glenn Mcgee, Joshua P. Spanogle, Arthur L. Caplan, Dina Penny & David A. Asch - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):87-93.
    In 1992, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) passed a mandate that all its approved hospitals put in place a means for addressing ethical concerns.Although the particular process the hospital uses to address such concernsmay vary, the hospital or healthcare ethics committee (HEC) is used most often. In a companion study to that reported here, we found that in 1998 over 90% of U.S. hospitals had ethics committees, compared to just 1% in 1983, and that many (...)
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    Languages and Designs for Probability Judgment.Glenn Shafer & Amos Tversky - 1985 - Cognitive Science 9 (3):309-339.
    Theories of subjective probability are viewed as formal languages for analyzing evidence and expressing degrees of belief. This article focuses on two probability langauges, the Bayesian language and the language of belief functions (Shafer, 1976). We describe and compare the semantics (i.e., the meaning of the scale) and the syntax (i.e., the formal calculus) of these languages. We also investigate some of the designs for probability judgment afforded by the two languages.
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    Why corporeal substances keep popping up in Leibniz's later philosophy.Glenn A. Hartz - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (2):193 – 207.
  12.  51
    New essays in the philosophy of education.Glenn Langford (ed.) - 1973 - Boston,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    The contributors to this collection of essays offer a stimulating and varied range of approaches to this developing area. The volume includes discussions on the concept of education and such related topics as indoctrination and the nature and scope of the theory of education. Aspects of education including the field of moral education, and issues which are reflected prominently in the curricula of such subjects as Mathematics and Science in schools and colleges are considered.
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  13. The aesthetics of nature.Glenn Parsons - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):358–372.
    The aesthetics of nature is a growing sub-field of contemporary aesthetics. In this article, I outline the view called ‘Scientific cognitivism’, which has been central in recent discussions of nature aesthetics. In assessing two important arguments for this view, I outline some recent thinking about key issues for the aesthetics of nature, including the relationship between nature and art and the relevance of ethical considerations to the aesthetic appreciation of nature.
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    Business Curriculum and Ethics.Glenn - 1988 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 7 (3-4):167-185.
  15.  47
    Quantitative somatic phenomenology: Toward an epistemology of subjective.Glenn Hartelius - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (12):24-56.
    Quantitative somatic phenomenology, a technique based in part on little-articulated practices in the field of somatics, is offered as an embodied phenomenological method of defining, operationalizing and controlling for state of consciousness in terms of the size, shape, location and dynamic movement of specific qualitative phenomena relative to the body. This approach offers a possible beginning point for the needed task of controlling for state of consciousness as a variable in each and every method of inquiry, including standard science. It (...)
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  16. Contexts for the writing and publication of Hobbes leviathan.Glenn Burgess - 1990 - History of Political Thought 11 (4):675-702.
  17. Environmental Aesthetics.Glenn Parsons - 2015 - In Anna Christina Ribeiro, The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 228-241.
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  18. Gene Patents Can Be Ethical.Glenn Mcgee - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (4):417-421.
    When one examines the emerging debate about genetic patenting, it becomes clear that those who oppose so-called misunderstand genetics or apply inappropriate moral and jurisprudential theory. In this brief essay I examine some arguments against gene patents of the variety, and conclude that patents on methods for detecting the presence of a genetic correlation with disease-related (and other) phenotypes can be appropriate, and that with several precautions the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office should continue granting patent protection to investigators who (...)
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    Launching a Materialist Ontology: The Leibnizian Way.Glenn A. Hartz - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (3):315 - 332.
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    A note on future branching time.Glenn Kessler - 1975 - Theoria 41 (2):89-95.
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    Form, Style, Tradition: Reflections on Japanese Art and Society.Glenn T. Webb, Shuichi Kato & John Bester - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):223.
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    Cornutus and Stoic Allegoresis: A Preliminary Report.Glenn W. Most - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase, Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 2014-2066.
  23.  30
    Conceptual change.Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard (eds.) - 1973 - Boston,: D. Reidel.
    During Hallowe'en of 1970, the Department of Philosophy of the Univer sity of Western Ontario held its annual fall colloquium at London, On tario. The general topic of the sessions that year was conceptual change. The thirteen papers composing this volume stem more or less directly from those meetings; six of them are printed here virtually as delivered, while the remaining seven were subsequently written by invitation. The programme of the colloquium was to have consisted of major papers delivered by (...)
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    Kierkegaard on the Unity of Comedy and Tragedy.Glenn - 1970 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 19:41-53.
  25. Derrida and the deconstruction of power as context and topic in therapy.Glenn Larner - 1999 - In Ian Parker, Deconstructing psychotherapy. Thousand Oaks, [Calif.]: Sage Publications. pp. 39--53.
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    The effects of bar width and spatial frequency-specific adaptation on visual persistence.Glenn E. Meyer & W. M. Maguire - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):64-66.
  27.  62
    The Educational Needs of Ethics Committees.Glenn G. Griener & Janet L. Storch - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):467.
    Hospital ethics committees must be knowledgeable if they are to perform consultations, advise administrators on policy, or offer educational programs. Because the membership of the committee is interdisciplinary, with most drawn from the healthcare professions, the individuals who join cannot be expected to bring knowledge of bioethies with them. Therefore, a new committee must spend time developing expertise before it can appropriately serve the hospital community. Although the need for committee self-education is generally recognized, it is seldom discussed in any (...)
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  28. Psalm 15.Glenn Miller - 2011 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65 (2):186-188.
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    Toward a Class Compromise in South Africa's “Double Transition”: Bargained Liberalization and the Consolidation of Democracy.Glenn Adler & Edward Webster - 1999 - Politics and Society 27 (3):347-385.
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  30. The New Testament Speaks.Glenn W. Barker - 1969
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    Darwinning Hearts and Minds.Glenn Branch - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):437-442.
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    Present Potential in Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being, Chapter Two.Glenn Chicoine - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 4 (1):31-44.
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    Beyond Realism and Idealism.Glenn W. Erickson - 1980 - Philosophy Today 24 (1):12-19.
  34.  15
    Dictionary of Paradox.Glenn W. Erickson & John A. Fossa - 1998 - Lanham, MD and New York, Oxford: Upa.
    Dictionary of Paradox is a fascinating reference work for scholars, students, and the general public. It describes those paradoxes that are either especially interesting today or that have a continuing interest from the historical point of view.
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  35. Negative Dialectics and the End of Philosophy.Glenn W. Erickson - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (2):125-128.
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    Effects of subject-generated stories on recall.Glenn Gamst & Joel S. Freund - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):185-188.
  37.  62
    An Introduction and Mission.Glenn McGee - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (4):414-416.
    is the newest section of CambridgeQuarterly. Twice each year these pages will feature a colloquium on a breaking issue in bioethics.
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  38. Rhetoric as pedagogy.Cheryl Glenn & Martin Carcasson - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly, SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 285--292.
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    Uniqueness of human childhood and adolescence?E. Weisfeld Glenn - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):298-299.
    Locke & Bogin (L&B) propose that humans are unique in possessing stages of childhood and adolescence. Arguments to the contrary include evidence for a similar and adaptive juvenile period in simians of slow growth, intense play and learning, and provisioning with solid food by adults. Likewise, simians as well as humans undergo a compensatory growth spurt during puberty.
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  40. Basic theories in medical ethics.Glenn C. Graber - 1988 - In John F. Monagle & David C. Thomasma, Medical ethics: a guide for health professionals. Rockville, Md.: Aspen Publishers. pp. 462--475.
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    Homeostasis, the straw man.Glenn I. Hatton - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):106-106.
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    Neuronal communication: don't forget the glia!Glenn I. Hatton - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):426-427.
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    The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel: Moving Beyond a Diversionary Debate.Glenn S. Holland - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (1):108-109.
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    Eric Voegelin, Ezra Pound and the Balance of Consciousness.Glenn Hughes - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 75 (1):1-21.
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    The Affirmation of Order.Glenn Hughes & Sebastian Moore - 1990 - Lonergan Workshop 8:109-133.
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  46. Ethics and the school administrator.Glenn L. Immegart & John M. Burroughs (eds.) - 1970 - Danville, Ill.,: Interstate Printers & Publishers.
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    Pair bonding and proximal mechanisms.Glenn E. King - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):191-192.
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    The Triumph of Virtual Reality.Glenn McLaren - 2012 - Cosmos and History 8 (1):383-411.
    Where will the philosophers of the future come from and can we have civilization without them? In this paper I argue that there is a co-dependent relationship between philosophy and civilization, one that has emerged and developed in relation to the emergence of information technologies, particularly writing and print and conditions for deep and prolonged concentration. The internet, however, today’s powerful information technology which is increasingly mediating humanities relationships, is proving to be a technology which threatens this relationship. The internet (...)
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    Visual persistence: Just a flash in the scan?Glenn E. Meyer - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):33-34.
  50.  19
    Guest Editor's Introduction: The American Revolution 240 Years Later: Was It a Just War?Glenn Moots - 2015 - Journal of Military Ethics 14 (1):3-6.
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